school erp system

Description : 
  • A.T.S.I. is a School Management ERP Software System, designed and developed by XIPHIAS Software Technology Pvt. Ltd. to manage and streamline student information.
  • ERP software that is additionally referred to as Enterprise Resource planning software is Associate in Nursing integrated system utilized by organizations to mix, organize and maintain the information necessary for operations. It brings along key operations of the organization into one system. once hand-picked and enforced the ERP software solutions properly, it will convert very complicated and discouraging method into less complicated and arranged task.
  • The quick response feature permits all departments of the establishment mix to access info the knowledge the data from one information and share information with others. ERP system not solely save time, however additionally improves the potency of the establishment by quickly responding to user desires. college administrator will currently simply keep vigil on the employee's members. Such style of ERP system has actually become a boon for the educational organization.

Key features of ERP :
  • The communication among them.
  • Real-time information generated by reports.
  •  Lower operational costs.
  •  Defined and streamlined processes.
  •  Enhanced collaboration.
  •  Improved efficiency.
  •  A common user experience across the group of institutions.
  •  Consistent infrastructure.
  •  Improved data integrity and financial controls.
  •  Lower management and operational costs.
  • A.T.S.I. is an Education ERP software that can streamline and synchronize the various separate departments of an institution into one unified software system.
 For more details visit here: school erp system

We are also providing different kinds of software as shown below :


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